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4 Movies, Serials You Should See Now

4 Movies, Serials You Should See Now

Written By Adanna Onyekara

I'm passionate about telling stories and the art of film making because movies are the closest some people will come to, in experiencing happiness in their lives, and that's why the creatives are important because, in a subconscious way, they control you.

As we uplift ourselves this week guys, go forth and experience happiness with these movies and serials that I'm sure you haven't seen but should.

1.  Meet the In-laws

Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy puts a ring on it. If boy is traditional, boy pays respect due to girl's father by asking for girl's hand and then boy gets this dialogue going;

Girl's father - you said you want to marry my daughter?

Boy - yes sir

Girl's father - then you'll have to come with your people

Boy - okay sir

And bam!!! Ladies and gentlemen, we meet the in-laws

2. Nigerian Prince

The people living in Nigeria, that are bread and buttered in Nigeria, with no hope but a visa on credit option to get out of Nigeria, are convinced that there was a mistake somewhere and they're truly not from around here, so what do you expect a boy, bread and buttered in Yankee with the jand accent to compliment the swag, to say and do all in a bid to get out of this human forsaken, destiny stunting, morale destroying, life-crushing country called Nigeria and just go home, but this movie is much more than that.

3. Ojo's in the House

Welcome to the good life ladies and gentlemen, you only have one chance to make a good impression. The Ojo's have finally moved from the slum and now they're in the big leagues. You know when a person comes into money suddenly and is trying so hard to fit in? Now imagine a whole family trying that hard. Minor complaints aside, it's fun and laughter in the Ojo's house.

4. Dérè an AfricanTale

Simply put the Cinderella story told in an African fashion.



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